Saturday, December 5, 2009

Future for Ann Taylor

I think this article written by the staff at Investor pretty well sums up this year's performance for the Ann Taylor Corporation and what the future holds:

Ann Taylor Stores Corporation, a women’s clothing chain, reported a $2.1 million third quarter profit today. This news may sound relatively run-of-the-mill on the surface, but it is particularly exciting for investors considering that Ann Taylor posted a $13.4 million loss just a year ago. The retail sector in general has been rather stagnant because of the slumping economy. Consumers seem to be tightening their budgets and cutting back on leisure expenses. Women, especially ones with families, tend to be more inclined to make family purchases before personal ones. Even with all these obstacles in play, how was Ann Taylor able to generate a profit?
A big contributing factor in Ann Taylor’s turnaround has been its recent corporate strategy. Ann Taylor revaluated its branding position and realized that it needed a change. The women’s apparel retailer is traditionally associated with “career” clothing. However, this type of clothing has been difficult to sell with the economy under so much stress lately. As a result, Ann Taylor has worked hard to reposition itself as more than just a professional attire clothing store. The initial rollout of the Loft’s more casual and trendy clothing line generated a very positive response from Ann Taylor consumers, and has been very encouraging for the corporation. Ann Taylor is really making an effort to distance itself from the career clothing stereotype. The female clothing retailer does not plan to stop selling its more traditional collection styles, but it is aiming to diversify its product line. With this is in mind, Ann Taylor has decided to make its new, casual autumn line the focal point for its fourth quarter collection. Ann Taylor has been spotlighting the more casual clothing in its store display windows while also flooding fashion magazines with advertisements.
Ann Taylor has also implemented some of the more “routine” methods for improving profit margins. Like many of its competitors, Ann Taylor has made a conscious effort to cut costs. As part of its expense reduction program, the female apparel retailer has streamlined its inventory levels while scaling back the number of operating stores. Ann Taylor has also been pushing more “full price” selling to customers. The combination of all these factors has been instrumental in boosting the corporation’s profit margin. These more traditional profit techniques have complimented Ann Taylor’s recent rebranding efforts very nicely.
Ann Taylor seems to be on the right track. It appears to have found a solution for its branding woes. Ann Taylor’s recent cost reduction adjustments have also jumpstarted its profit margins. The focus on streamlining inventory and full price selling has certainly made a positive impact. However, the rebranding efforts have not completely solved its slumping sales problem. Overall, net sales fell 12 percent for the quarter. While Ann Taylor is optimistic that its new branding efforts will help sales during the upcoming holiday season, the women’s apparel retailer also warned that fourth quarter sale margins will be lower because of seasonal promotions. Regardless of holiday uncertainties, Ann Taylor is hoping that its new clothing is the right fit for improving future sales and profit.

"Ann Taylor Dresses for Success with a New Wardrobe (ANN)." Investing, Stock Quotes and Research, Personal Finance and Business News - 20 Nov. 2009. Web. 06 Dec. 2009. .

I think they should continue to emphasize the non-work clothing that they have been trying to push lately because it will broaden their customer base. Obviously a larger customer base will lead to more sales and success. Also, I think that the LOFT stores will definitely begin to gain more attention from younger generations with this tactic because they are looking for stylish everyday clothing, not just boring suits. With these new strategies in place, I can see Ann Taylor Corp continuing to do well for many years down the road.

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